Monday, July 6, 2009

Laughing Lion Lesson II: Eight Principles

OF THE A.'.A.'.

The Principles are Utterances of DIONYSUS 9=2 and are in Class A;
the short explanations following are the Interpretation of Fr. E.I.V. & thus are in Class B

[NOTE: Fr. E.I.V. says "I mean" but Fr. E.I.V. and DIONYSUS 9=2 are not the same identity - one is a funny fellow on the planet Earth and the other is the Light of the World itself... although they utilize the same mind & body to manifest! -E.I.V.]

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Lesson II,
known also as "8 Principles"
of the Laughing Lion,
Dionysus 9=2

The Word of TO MEGA THERION 9=2 is THELEMA, or Will. This Word is not abrogated nor superseded but re-affirmed with renewed vigor. The essential principles of this Law have been collected below:

"Every man and every woman is a star." -AL I:3
The word of the Law is THELEMA." -AL I:39
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." -AL I:40
The word of Sin is Restriction." -AL I:41

"So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will." -AL I:42
"Love is the law, love under will." -AL I:57
"There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt." -AL III:60

The Word of DIONYSUS 9=2, known also as the Thundering Roar, is GROWTH.

8 Principles emanate from the Song of this Word:

i) Man is a Kosmos; Kosmos is a Reality

I mean: Every Man and every Woman
is a Universe (a phenomenological field of experience, to use a scientific term) and perceives Itself from the center in terms of place (three-dimensional space) and time.

ii) Kosmos can be perceived as both None & Two, Continuous and Dis-continuous

I mean: Man can understand Himself as both a finite being immersed in a world & as an infinite being containing & coterminous with the world. These are both valid: Man is both Finite & Infinite. The world as Two is when Kosmos becomes split between Man
AND World; The World as None is when Kosmos becomes united where Man IS World.

Further, it is a limitation and a Restriction to conceive one's Kosmos as
only One or only Many. This is specifically warned against in Our Most Holy Book: "If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many; if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit!" One must realize it is both One and Many, None and Two in the language of Thelema.

iii) Man perceived as Two is a curse for the un-initiate; Man perceived as Two is a sacrament and a perpetual blessing for the initiate.

I mean: For the normal person - identified mainly with their personal accomplishments, relationships, and possessions - the idea of Unity is, at the best, an intellectually appreciable and emotionally uplifting idea...
but it is a not an experiential reality for them. For those who have shut themselves up in themselves, intentionally or unintentionally, Unity may even seem hostile... which it is, to everything they consider important. To the initiate, the world of Two appears as the projection or emanation of the None in order for possibility of Experience. Experience requires Time, Place, Causality and the like which, in a Continuous state of No-Difference, is not a possibility. Therefore, to the initiate, the World perceived as Two represents Possibility of Experience itself, and the world becomes a contemplation of divine wonder.

iii) Life is a series of Events, which are each a Union of Man with a particular Possibility; each Event can be assimilated & incorporated through Love under Will or the Event can be denied.

I mean: From a certain perspective, Kosmos is Perfect so every Event is necessary. The acceptance of each Event-Experience is an act of union & assimilation - that is, Love under Will - and the denial of each & any Fact of Experience is a denial of part of the Kosmos and therefore a denial of part of Oneself. The lack of acceptance & assimilation of each Event - often because it is seen as a threat - will cause suffering and engage the natural defense mechanisms in every man & woman, including denial, repression, and distortion. That is, if one does not perform Love under Will in each Event of Life, one does not accept Life as it is - instead one will feel the need to deny, repress, or distort the Event, causing a split in oneself.

iv) The mode of Will is Love, which Union of a Man with a Possibility. The Nature & Intent of this Love under Will is GROWTH.

I mean: While the only Law is DO WHAT THOU WILT, this Law is accomplished through acts of Love. These acts of union contain pure joy, of course, but to understand which Possibility to fulfill out of the Infinite available we must summon the word of Dionysus 9=2, GROWTH. What it means to Grow, the extent & direction of Growth, what is considered Healthy Growth, and who exactly is Growing changes through the different Initiations.

v) GROWTH means achieving higher, stronger & more expansive balance in all things & all ways, degrees, and directions.

I mean: GROWTH means different things to different people at different stages in their life. Physically, GROWTH refers to the natural, biological developmental process but also to the ability for us to train, become strong, quick, and athletic. Emotionally, GROWTH refers to understanding & control of one's emotions; in this New Aeon, we do not look down upon the emotions or even up to them but see them as powerful engines which could propel us into the sky... or over a cliff. Mentally, GROWTH refers to the accumulation of knowledge & understanding about the world and oneself; it also refers to the steadying & control of thought. Spiritually, GROWTH refers to the constant striving to deeper abysses of wisdom and higher mountain-peaks of insight into our true Selves. All of Life is subservient and permeated by this Will-to-Growth.

vi) Good and Evil must arise out of one's own Law of GROWTH.

I mean: What is Good is what helps oneself Grow; What is Evil is all that prevents, restricts, thwarts, or stifles Growth. The values with which each person understands & works in the world must arise out of their own circumstances, needs, and abilities. Evil itself is merely a reminder to do one's own Good, for the natural result of Evil - going against one's own Law - is suffering.

vii) Death is not cataclysmic but one Event that contributes to one's GROWTH.

I mean: Death of both the body and the ego are no longer seen as cataclysms. In fact, we should "Die daily" in that we are born anew each day... no, each moment! The body's birth allows for the possibility of Events and its death is a seal on its Attainments. The ego's birth allows for normal functioning in the world and its death heralds the shift of identity from ego-self to the true & Supreme Self. The death of the ego, especially, is not seen as a tragedy but a necessary step of Growth of a Flower, just as Winter comes to make ready the New Harvest.

viii) Take Joy in all things & all circumstance, knowing each Event is a crystallization of all past GROWTH as well as the beginning of all future GROWTH.

I mean: Every Event is the result of virtually infinite circumstances in the past and stands before infinitely more Events in the future. GROWTH extends back into history and desires itself to make new histories. Joy is the natural by-product of following one's own Law of GROWTH, being the natural expression of the free fulfillment of one's powers from the mundane to the subtle; as it has been said, "Existence is pure joy."

And these Eight are One,
which is None.


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